1/ Removing the Paradigm

Right now there are billions of bits of information surrounding your peripheral awareness. Your neurology or nervous system can’t take all of that information in ~ it’s just way too intense! So what we do all day long is delete, distort, and generalize reality. We only pick up a very small percentage of what’s actually going on. What we pick up or perceive is that which harmonizes with our subconscious mind. Hence, our external world is always a reflection of our internal world.

Perception works on the premise that we tend to observe current events through filters. These filters work like camera lenses colored by previous experience, both negative and positive. Often in life, emotional memories remain entrenched on a subconscious level, and we're not aware of the underlying thought patterns affecting our perceptions.

Perceiving a glass of water to  be half full or half empty depends on the individual and his/her combined past and present, experiences and beliefs. Both observations may be correct but the ability to see the second viewpoint requires the ability to remove oneself from the present paradigm.

In the following image do you see the old woman or do you see the young woman? They are both there but not at the same time. Which did you see first? The younger you are the more likely you are to see the young women. Age is a major component of this paradigm that decides whether you intuitively see the old or young woman. Do not continue until you have managed to see both women in the image.

The response to the following scenario reveals much about one's ability to see clearly the evidence before them. "Imagine if you learned the events of 9/11 are vastly different than the official story. What would it mean to you?" Variations of the typical response include "it couldn't happen that way because...." and "I don't believe in conspiracy theories." At this point I restate the question pointing out that the person had instead answered why they believed 9/11 could not be a hoax. Now the person usually looks at me blankly.

I step in an explain the emotions and thoughts that went through my mind when I learned that the events of 9/11 were much different than the official story. I was confused. How could this be? How could I not have seen this sooner? What else have they done? I was angry! How dare they lie to me. How dare they kill innocent people. I was in shock!! What did this mean about the state of the world I lived in. It took a long time for me to come to grips with all the consequences attached to seeing the truth for what it was.
These are some of the emotions you will feel if come to believe the official story is a lie.
If you are seeking to find out what really happened on 9/11 you must be prepared to battle these feelings as your mind will use them to protect the paradigm that you have used to create your perception of reality.

A situation that can mirror the emotions one may feel is that of a faithful wife that trusts her cheating husband. Her friends all hint at his derelict behaviour.She ignores them as well as the obvious clues directly in front of her. One day she comes home early from work to catch him red handed!
"Why didn't you tell me?" She asks her friends the next day.
"We did, over and over!" they sigh.
She reflects back and thinks of all the previously ignored clues and signs that glare at her now. Can you imagine this feeling of replaying in your mind everything you now consider a  lie? Does this reveal some of the resistance you may be showing towards a change in your paradigm? Nobody wants to discover awful things about their world.

We can reveal more of the emotive resistance you may harbor unaware. Think of the effects that switching from a group that comprises 90% of the population to one that encompasses less than 10%.  Are you truly ready and willing to do that? Are you aware of the energies that will manifest themselves? You will receive the same judgement from 9 out of 10 people as you have towards 9/11 disbelievers now! Harder still to deal with is the fact that some still persecute the messenger when it comes to this issue!

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