2/ WTC 7

Building 7 of the World Trade Center Complex was referred to as the bunker. It had been specially built to withstand abnormal conditions and events so that it could be used as the command center during a New York City crises. This building housed the SEC, FBI, CIA among other agencies.

WTC 7 is a 47 story tall building. It is the same height as what was for a period, the tallest building here in Vancouver -The Sharaton Wall Center. As I often drive by the Wall Center I simply can't imagine it collapsing in this way. One story at a time crumbling, starting with the first floor, 2nd, 3rd and so on until the 47th. Did you notice the top of the building crimping when the explosive charges went off?  Did you notice the penthouse was the first thing to fall after the central columns blew out?

What does the fall of this building resembles to you?

Two things must be kept in mind when viewing the 2nd video. The first is that buildings do not collapse through the path of greatest resistance, or through themselves. The second is that if it does collpase through itself or the path of greatest resistance, this same  resistance will prevent it from collapseing at freefall speed and time.

What does the rate of collapse calculated in the second video means about the destruction of the building.